Turnitin, is a web-based plagiarism detection software. Also ETS e-rater Grammar-Checking Technology is a modul of the Turnitin automatically flags grammar, style, usage and spelling errors. Please send an e-mail to swadminmetu.edu.tr to use the service. Name, academic/administrative position and department at METU should be specified in this mail.
iThenticate is a tool that enabling academicians, editors, and reviewers to check and analyze the similarity of articles, and drafts by comparing millions of websites and databases. iThenticate software is comprehensive content about evaulating scholarly publications. To access the software faculty members must apply with name-surname, department, academic title and institutional email address to referans@metu.edu.tr
Intihal.net software is comprehensive content about evaluating scholarly publications. Accessing the software ODTU members must apply with an institutional email address to the program. A librarian will approve accounts.