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Mendeley: How To Use Mendeley

This guide is prepared for Mendeley users to help organize their PDF files, references and academic social network relations.

Getting Started with Mendeley Desktop

Start Here

The Library View

All your documents securely stored and organized in one place.

My Library

  1. My library: Provides you with easy access to your library, publications, folders and groups.

  2. Sync: Sync your data across devices so you can work and access your research wherever you go.

  3. Your documents: Double click a document to open in the PDF viewer.

  4. Details pane: See document details to quickly update meta-data and browse notes.

  5. Library search: Search across the full-text of your library with results appearing as you type.

Getting started with Mendeley Web

The first screen you see (providing you have already downloaded Mendeley desktop) is the web dashboard. This is where you can keep up to date with what your contacts are up to on Mendeley.

  1. Newsfeed: Keep up to date with your contacts on Mendeley, post updates and see what people are publishing.

  2. Account settings: Manage your account settings, logout of Mendeley, and other useful account settings.

  3. Web Importer: Save online content directly to your Mendeley account with the Web Importer bookmarklet. This allows you to import content from a wide range of sources and academic databases.

  4. Edit profile: Complete your profile so others can find you more easily and promote yourself to other researchers world wide.

Subject Guide